Über dieses im März 2020 in englischer Sprache erschienene Buch:
„PARKINSON’S DISEASE“ ist die am schnellsten wachsende neurologische Erkrankung der Welt. In den letzten 25 Jahren ist die Zahl der Erkrankten von 3 Millionen auf über 6 Millionen angestiegen. Bis 2040 wird sie sich wahrscheinlich noch einmal verdoppeln. Es gelingt uns bislang nicht, diesen Ansturm zu stoppen.

In diesem “must-read”-Leitfaden (Lonnie Ali) bieten vier führende Ärzte und Fürsprecher einen mutigen Aktionsplan zur Prävention, Therapie und Behandlung der Parkinson-Krankheit an – eine der großen gesundheitlichen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit.
Schädliche Pestizide und andere giftige Chemikalien, die zur Parkinson-Erkrankung beitragen, nehmen weiter zu, viele Menschen bleiben undiagnostiziert und unbehandelt, die Forschungsfinanzierung stagniert, und die wirksamste Behandlung ist inzwischen ein halbes Jahrhundert alt.
Die Autoren widmen ihre Einnahmen den Bemühungen, die Parkinson-Krankheit zu beenden.

Ray Dorsey
Ray Dorsey is the David M. Levy Professor of Neurology at the University of Rochester, where he directs the Center for Health + Technology. For the past decade, he has used telemedicine to improve care for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. His research has been published in the leading neurology, medical, and economic journals and been featured on NPR and in the Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Previously, he directed the Parkinson’s disease division at Johns Hopkins Medicine and consulted for McKinsey & Company.
Center for Health + Technology
Parkinson Disease Care New York

Todd Sherer
Todd Sherer, PhD, is the Chief Executive Officer of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, the largest nonprofit funder of Parkinson’s research. Trained as a neuroscientist, he is responsible for the Foundation’s overall scientific and fundraising direction to speed treatment breakthroughs and a cure for Parkinson’s disease. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Emory University investigating the role of environmental factors in Parkinson’s, Todd joined the Foundation’s staff in 2004 and was named Chief Executive Officer in 2011.

Michael S. Okun
Michael S. Okun is the Adelaide Lackner Professor and Chair of Neurology at the University of Florida. He is one of the world’s leading Parkinson’s researchers and has advanced surgical treatments for the disease. He is the national medical director of the Parkinson’s Foundation, the country’s largest Parkinson’s disease patient and advocacy group. He is a prolific writer with over five hundred publications and author of the book Parkinson’s Treatment: 10 Secrets to a Happier Life, which has been translated into twenty languages and is a best seller for patients and families.
Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases

Bastiaan R. Bloem
Bastiaan R. Bloem is professor of neurology and director of the Centre of Expertise for Parkinson & Movement Disorders at Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. In 2004, with Dr. Marten Munneke, he created ParkinsonNet, the largest integrated-care program for Parkinson’s patients. He is co–editor in chief of the Journal of Parkinson’s Disease and secretary of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society, has over six hundred publications, and has been a featured speaker at leading patient, academic, and health conferences globally.
Quelle: https://www.publicaffairsbooks.com/titles/ray-dorsey-md/ending-parkinsons-disease/9781541724495/